Replacement Hospital
- Quincey Smail, Senior Acoustical Consultant
- Melinda Miller, Principal Engineer
ABD Engineering & Design worked with Barton Malow to provide acoustical consulting for the McLaren Greater Lansing Replacement Hospital.
ABD’s consulting and engineering services followed FGI Guidelines to develop our recommendations for patient spaces. The design and construction of healthcare facilities includes Noise Isolation and Speech Privacy to follow HIPAA. Likewise, ABD provides Mechanical Noise Control to address room noise levels and building vibration due to structure-borne sound, and Room Acoustics through acoustical finishes and details.
Our exterior noise study measured noise levels from the adjacent highway and developed recommendations for the building facade, roof deck, and window glazing performance. ABD also took into consideration the effects of the helipad and helicopter flights on nearby residences. ABD’s vibration study provided structural engineers the information they needed to stiffen the construction for patient comfort, as well as vibration-sensitive advanced imaging like MRI and CT-scan equipment.
The nine-story 562,000 SF, 240 bed hospital is part of Michigan State University’s Corporate Research Park. The facility includes an adjacent cancer and ambulatory center among other health care facilities to promote research, healthcare services, and educational opportunities within the community. The new hospital includes Level III Trauma Center/Emergency Department, Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Institute, comprehensive cardiac programs, medical/surgical units, and state-of-the-art women and children’s health services including a modern birthing center.