Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein

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Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein Auditorium

Unidade Morumbi

Auditorium, Healthcare, and Office

São Paulo, Brazil


ABD Engineering and Design worked with Albert Kahn Associates on this healthcare facility in São Paulo, Brazil. The project included a 500-seat auditorium, large multipurpose room, 15 training and conference rooms, all with video production and video streaming. Along with comprehensive audiovisual design services, ABD engineered acoustics recommendations to create spaces that serve the needs of the technology and the people using it.

ABD Provided:

  • Audio System Design
  • Video System Design
  • Platform Lighting System Design
  • Digital Signage System Design
  • Control System Design
  • Room Acoustics
  • Noise Isolation
  • Mechanical Noise Control

Photos Courtesy of Albert Kahn Associates.


Posted on

April 27, 2012