ABD Engineering and Design
ABD Engineering and Design is one of North America’s leading independent acoustical consulting and AV design firms, serving clients across the United States and Canada, as well as other international markets from offices in Grand Rapids, MI and Portland, OR. Our specialized acoustical engineering and AV design practices help architects, building owners, engineers, facility directors, and municipalities design spaces, environments, and systems for optimal acoustical and audiovisual performance. Our consulting practice areas specialize in all aspects of architectural acoustics, environmental and industrial noise and vibration control, and audiovisual systems design.
ABD Engineering and Design's Blog Posts
Whether you watch HD from Blu-ray disks or over-the-air HD broadcasts, the clarity of the image is stunning. With widespread availability of professional HD imaging devices, monitors, and support gear, the clarity we’re seeing at home is now making its mark on the...
The Perfect Storm: Why Acoustics Suddenly Matter in Healthcare Design | Download Presentation
Great acoustical design now plays a key role in sustainable healthcare design and the healing environment. If you are the architect, engineer, interior designer, or user of a healthcare facility, we set out to give you the most up to date information regarding the...
Elbows vs. Sound Attenuators: Interchangeable?
It is common belief that a series of elbows near an air handling unit (AHU) can accomplish the same insertion loss as a manufactured duct sound attenuator. It's true that elbows are less expensive than sound attenuators, but what acoustical performance is really...
2009 AIA Grand Valley Honor Award Winners
This past Saturday night we attended the 2009 AIA Grand Valley Honor Awards program at the Urban Institute of Contemporary Arts (UICA) in downtown Grand Rapids. As a Professional Affiliate Member of the AIA, our firm serves as consultants to architects. Although we...
Why Courts Need an Expert Witness in Acoustics
Our company president, Kenric Van Wyk, was recently featured in a Wood TV 8 interview as an expert on noise levels. The local NBC affiliate was covering a story on a teenager who had been killed by a train after walking down the tracks while listing to an MP3 player...