Melinda MillerPrincipal Engineer

Melinda Miller brings her passion for all things sound and 20 years of experience to her role as Principal Engineer of ABD Engineering & Design. Her expertise includes diagnosing and preventing noise problems, designing acoustically optimized environments, and using evidence-based design practices. Melinda has consulted on projects involving architectural acoustics, noise isolation, mechanical noise control, and occupational noise exposure. Her experience includes higher education, K-12 schools, performance and worship spaces, healthcare facilities, industrial facilities, hotel and multi-family residential buildings. A Professional Acoustical Engineer, licensed by the State of Oregon, Melinda earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Idaho, and Master’s from the University of Illinois, Chicago. She has continued her education and training, earning her INCE Board Certification (INCE Bd. Cert.), Evidence-Based Design Accreditation and Certification (EDAC), and LEED AP BD+ C. As an Assistant Professor of Acoustics for Columbia College, she taught undergraduate junior and senior level classes in HVAC design, vibrations, acoustical testing, building noise control, and musical acoustics. Melinda has chaired sessions on various topics at Noise-con and Inter-noise since 2013, and has served INCE as the Co-Chair of Building Acoustics Technical Activities committee, on the Certification Board, and the Board of Directors (2021-2024). Likewise, she has presented technical papers and education sessions for the Acoustical Society of America, the American Institute of Architects, and the Chicago Chapter of the Audio Engineering Society.

Melinda Miller's Projects

Cleveland Clinic - Richard E. Jacobs Health Center

Cleveland Clinic Richard E. Jacobs Health Center Tower Expansion

ABD Engineering & Design provided comprehensive consultation for architectural Acoustics, including external freeway noise mitigation, room noise, sound isolation, and acoustical finishes, in compliance with the FGI Guidelines for Design…

Unity Christian High School

Unity Christian High School features a two-story, three-court, 1800 seat gymnasium/auditorium. New music rehearsal spaces, along with updated classrooms, technology, and shop spaces. GMB Architects brought ABD Engineering and Design…

Ferris State University University Center

ABD Engineering and Design was hired by architectural firm Neumann/Smith to design comprehensive acoustical solutions and audio-visual and IT systems for this modern, future-oriented University Center. ABD worked with the…

Melinda Miller's Experience

  • Opsis – BPA – Ross Complex Technical Services BuildingVancouver, Washington
  • 400 Rose Multifamily Noise IsolationKalamazoo, Michigan
  • Bob Rietveld – Boise Grove Hotel Penthouse – Noise IsolationBoise, Idaho
  • Curry Medical Center Brookings MRI SuiteBrookings, Oregon
  • Hall of Fame Hotel Noise ControlCanton, Ohio
  • City of Bend Outback WFF Heat PumpBend, Oregon
  • Hancock Wellness CenterPalestine, Indiana
  • Oregon Humane SocietyPortland, Oregon
  • Four Corners Elementary SchoolSalem, Oregon
  • Offutt AFB Bldg 40Offutt AFB, Nebraska
  • Tommy Car Wash Flint Noise StudyFlint, Michigan
  • Eugene Riverfront Development Parcel 3B-C Residential AcousticsEugene, Oregon
  • Eugene Riverfront Development Parcel 7 Residential AcousticsEugene, Oregon
  • University of Oregon Cinema ArtsEugene, Oregon
  • Wheat Germ Cleveland PlayhouseCleveland, Ohio