School Acoustics: Classroom Acoustics
Classroom acoustics are directly correlated to student learning and comprehension—with studies suggesting deficient classroom acoustics affect speech intelligibility and hearing as much as 25 percent.
Educators are recognizing the need to improve classroom acoustics in existing facilities and to design new classrooms to meet recommended ANSI S12.60 classroom acoustics standards, which apply not only to schools, but all other learning environments. At ABD Engineering and Design, we consult with school architects and educators to design classrooms acoustics and other school facilities to manage sound and control noise.
K-12 School Acoustics Solutions
ABD Engineering and Design’s acoustical consultants have extensive experience with elementary and secondary schools, developing classroom acoustical solutions and acoustics for school libraries, gymnasia, cafeterias, assembly halls, media centers, and other facilities. We understand background noise, reverberation, and other classroom acoustical issues and how to achieve classroom signal to noise ratios for speech intelligibility—especially as the desire for inclusion into mainstream classroom settings for students with hearing impairments, cognitive and attention deficits, or who speak English as a second language. We employ sophisticated acoustical modeling software to predict and analyze classroom acoustics in new school designs. For classrooms already built, we use state-of-the-art acoustic measurement technologies and predictive modeling to assess acoustical issues and evaluate potential solutions to acoustical problems.
Audiovisual Systems for Schools
In addition to classroom acoustics, ABD Engineering and Design’s professional staff also includes AV consultants who provide independent analysis and recommendations regarding audio visual systems design for auditoria, assembly halls, gymnasia, sports and recreation facilities and performing arts centers.
Independent Acoustical Consulting for Schools
As independent consultants, we don’t represent any product manufacturers, suppliers, or other service providers. Accordingly, education systems, school districts, and individual schools can be confident our recommendations are free from bias, focused entirely on the most effective and affordable solutions for your budget.
School & Classroom Acoustics Consulting Services
- Architectural Acoustics
- Noise Isolation
- Mechanical Systems Noise and Vibration Control
- Music Room and Media Center Acoustical Design
- Acoustical Engineering and Design for Other School Facilities
- Audio Visual Systems Design