Featured Projects

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Unity Christian High School

Unity Christian High School features a two-story, three-court, 1800 seat gymnasium/auditorium. New music rehearsal spaces, along with updated classrooms, technology, and shop spaces. GMB Architects brought ABD Engineering and Design…

Country Inn and Suites

ABD Engineering and Design was brought in by The Architectural Group to provide detailed architectural acoustics and room isolation recommendations for the new Country Inn and Suites in Grand Rapids,…

Holland Home

Holland Home contacted ABD Engineering and Design to address concerns from the residents regarding the HVAC noise in the courtyard. ABD provided acoustical measurements of the equipment, and took ambient…

Grand Rapids Christian High School Student Center

The Grand Rapids Christian High School project included the renovation of existing classrooms, science labs, commons, town hall, multipurpose room, and specialty rooms. ABD Engineering and Design was retained by A.M.D.G.…

Cascade Fellowship Church Family Life Center

Part video-venue and part multipurpose room, the Family Life Center at Cascade Fellowship Church is designed to offer the best of all worlds from live worship services to church banquets…

NAI Wisinski of West Michigan

After NAI West Michigan moved into their new office space in downtown Grand Rapids, they discovered several acoustic problems that posed significant challenges to the work environment. The open plan…
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